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Andrei Y. Khodakov 
PhD, Dr Sci (Habilitation)
Senior CNRS Research Director, 1st class (DR1)
ORCID: 0000-0003-4599-3969

Andrei Y. Khodakov graduated from the Moscow State University in 1987, received his PhD degree in 1991 from the N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemisitry in Moscow and his Habilitation (Dr Sci.) degree in 2002 from the University of Lille. In 1992-1999, Dr. Andrei Y. Khodakov acquired experience in top academic and industrial institutions in the United States, in France and in the UK. Currently Dr Andrei Khodakov is a CNRS Research Director in the UCCS CNRS laboratory in the University of Lille and Centrale Lille Institute. He is interested in the C1 chemistry (methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide) and biomass transformation using new synthetic, spectroscopic, reaction engineering and modeling tools. His research addresses design of efficient catalytic materials for synthesis of fuels and chemicals from renewable and fossil resources using thermo- and photocatalysis.

Unité de catalyse et de chimie du solide – UMR 8181 CNRS
Université de Lille - Bât. C3
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
Tel. : +33 3 20 33 54 39; Télécopie : +33 3 20 43 65 61

2002    Dr Sci (Habitation degree), University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille 
1991    PhD diploma from the Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, PhD advisor: Prof. V.B. Kazansky
1987    Master in Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

Since 2017    Senior CNRS Research Director (DR1), Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide, UMR 8181 CNRS
2007-2017     CNRS Research Director (DR2), Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide, UMR 8181 CNRS 
Since 2010     Leader of "Catalysis for energy" and "Catalysis for Energy and Synthesis of Plateform Molecules"Teams, Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide (9 permanent staff members and 12-15 PhD students and post docs) 
1999-2007     CNRS research fellow (permanent), Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide, UMR CNRS 8181 (former Laboratory of Catalysis of Lille)
1998-1999     Research associate, SABIC Technology Center, Houston, United States
1997-1998     Postdoctoral fellow, University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, United States 
1995-1996     Postdoctoral Fellow, Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison, France
1995              Researcher, University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, UK
1994-1995     Research fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
1992-1993     Postdoctoral fellowship, École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris et Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonnement Electromagnétique, Paris, Orsay
1987-1991     Researcher, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


2024 -Co-Editor in Chief of Materials Today Catalysis (Elsevier)

2022- Associate Editor of Materials Today Catalysis (Elsevier)

2022- member of Editorial Board of Green Carbon,  ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
2017- Advisory Board of the ChemCatChem journal 
2011-2012 Chairman of the International Symposium on Clean Alternative Synthetic Fuels “SynFuel2012” in Munich, June 2012 (> 210 participants) 
2009-2010 Member of the Organizing Committee of the 9th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium in Lyon, chairman of the session "Synfuels". 
2010-2011 Chairman of the Franco-Chinese symposium "Exploring New Challenges in Catalytic Science", Xiamen, Jan. 2011
2012-2013 Executive Editor of a special issue of «Catalysis Today» (volume 215) 
2012     Scientific Committee member, 9th International Conference "Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions", Saint-Petersburg, Russia, October 2012 
2013     Chairman and organizer of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th French-Chinese symposiums "Catalysis and sustainable development", Xiamen, Villeneuve d’Ascq 2011-2017
2016-2019 Visiting Professor, South Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan, (China) 


27 supervised PhD thesis (including 24 PhD thesis defended) and 15 supervised post-doctoral researchers

2010-2014 Workpackage leader of the FP7 European project EUROBIOREF « EUROpean multilevel integrated BIOREFinery design for sustainable biomass processing »
2011-2015 Local Coordinator of the French Agency for Research project BIOSYNGOP (Operando study in temperature and pressure of the conversion of syngas loaded with typical impurities derived from biomass to methane and higher hydrocarbons)
2012-2015    Coordinator of the International project of the French Agency for Research OLSYNCAT (Novel Catalytic Materials and Intensified Processes for Olefin Synthesis from Syngas Produced from Biomass or Coal)
2012-2015 Coordinator of the project of the French Agency for Research CATSYNBIOFUEL (Hybrid hierarchical catalytic structures for synthesis of biofuels) 

2014-2017, Coordinator with Prof. Nilson. R. Marcilio (UFRGS), Ph-C 805 / 14 (Development of new technologies for obtaining high value products through catalytic transformation of mineral coal or biomass)
2016-2019, Coordinator of the project of the French Agency for Research DIRECTSYNBIOFUEL (Engineering of hierarchical metal-zeolite nanocomposites for direct synthesis high-octane gasoline from biosyngas)
2010-2017, Local coordinator of the Project GAYA (Industrialization of a new technology for bio-methane production) of the French Environmental Protection Agency 
2020-2023, Coordinator of the French Agency for Research project SOLARMETHACHEM: Solar Light-Driven Processes for Methane Photochemical Conversion2018-2022, Principal Investigator (PI) of 2 European Interreg projects: Electrons-To-Chemicals (E2C, 2 Seas) and Conversion of plastic waste into chemical compounds of interest via gasification (Psyche, FWVL)
2021-2025, Principal Investigator (PI) of H2020 European project TAKE-OFF "Production of synthetic renewable aviation fuel from CO2 and H2"
2022-2026, Principal Investigator (PI) of the French Agency for Research project SOLARMETHACELL: Methane conversion into platform molecules over solar cells under ambient conditions
2022-2026 Principal Investigator (PI) of the French Agency for Research project PULSECOMETH: Femtocatalytic Photoconversion of Methane
2005-2022, Principal Investigator (PI) of more than 20 collaborative projects with the industry
2005-2020, Scientific manager of more than 20 collaborative projects with the industry



2012-2015 Lectures at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille, Option 3A « Sustainable chemistry and processes for the industry ».

2016-2023 Lectures at Centrale Lille Institute « Biorefinery »

2015-2018 Erasmus+ Programme, INNOCHEM project,  Lectures via internet « Bioenergy and biofuels » 

2017 and 2019 Organizing and teaching at the SUSCAT summer schools for Chinese and Brazilian Master Students “Sustainable Catalysis: Science and Innovation”


CNRS award of scientific excellence in 2011
CNRS PhD and Research Supervising award in 2016 and in 2023
Special Invited Scientist of the Brazilian Government (2013-2016) 


English (fluent); French (fluent); Russian (native)



Number of articles in peer-reviewed journals:   >200
Invited lectures in international conferences:   28
Sum of the Times Cited: >16 000
Number of patents: 7
H-index: 64

Statistics on Google Scholar link 

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